group of teachers and kids interacting each other

Promoting Language and Speech Development in Kids

Speech and language are crucial aspects of the cognitive development of young children. Learning how to communicate effectively is essential to enable learning and establish a solid foundation for their education. If you want your child to get a...

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a teacher teaching a student how to read letters

How Speech Therapy Benefits Children

Speech therapy is a method that focuses on helping children enhance their speech and language skills. Provided by a speech pathologist, this may also be provided to help children improve their fluency and communication skills in both written and...

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a girl reading a book

Progress Your Child’s Communication Skills

Parents are a child’s first educators and play a significant role in their language development. A child who is often read to and talked to on infancy will have better grammar and broader vocabulary. Talk and Play LLC provides speech therapy in...

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a woman teching a boy how to talk

Signs Your Child Needs Pediatric Speech Therapy

Are your children not using as many words you feel they should have been using at their age? Probably you notice that other kids have problems understanding what your children say. If so, they might have speech and language disorder or either one of...

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a boy and a man reading a book

Simple Ways to Promote Your Child’s Language Development

Aside from your child’s speech pathologist in Connecticut, your role as their parents plays an important part in their language development. Research conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests that adult to child conversation...

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girl interacting to a woman

Common Causes of Speech Delays and Language Disorders

Most young children develop speech and language skills at a certain age range and with different capabilities. However, there comes a point in a child’s development when parents notice they simply aren’t keeping up with other kids. While most...

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